
Why the soap nut not same

Even the soap nuts are collected from one tree,you may find the out shell color, and even size are greatly different. Some is light, and some very dark.Why are there so big difference? After studying longtime, we found that the soap nut size, color depends on harvest time. If the soap nut fruit is dropped at its season, the color is light, and some transparent; while if the soap nut fruit keeps on the tree one or two months later, the fruit gets more wrinkles on the outside, smaller and dark in the color.This is because the fruit is mature but since it is not dropped, the water inside the fruit gets less and less, and under the sunshine effect, the color will be more and more dark.And to some extent, the soap nut in the south is a little bigger and lighter than that in the west. But it is hard to simply judge that the southern soap nut is of better quality than the western ones. And it is also not scientific to say the light color and bigger one is better than the dark one or smaller one. The only quality judge criteria is that how much soapin the shell contains. Normally you can see whether the fruit is thick or thin, thicker skin fruit is better than thinner skin one;heavier fruit is better than lighter one. In fact, all soap nuts from China are of very good quality.And the treatment method will also influence the size and color. If peasants put soap nuts under sunshine for several days, the soap nuts will get very dry, thus the color turns to dark and the size smaller; if just place the soap nuts in dry place without direct contact of sunshine, the soap nut will be with light color and size bigger. All information above shows us that it is hard to judge the quality from the color and size. The only criteria is check the thickness of the fruit, to see whether the inside part is bright, thick and smooth,if yes, the quality is good,vice versa, the quality is not good enough! Alternatively, simply put the shell into the washing machine, to check the laundry effect!That's easy and really work!

