
Why the soap nut not same

Even the soap nuts are collected from one tree,you may find the out shell color, and even size are greatly different. Some is light, and some very dark.Why are there so big difference? After studying longtime, we found that the soap nut size, color depends on harvest time. If the soap nut fruit is dropped at its season, the color is light, and some transparent; while if the soap nut fruit keeps on the tree one or two months later, the fruit gets more wrinkles on the outside, smaller and dark in the color.This is because the fruit is mature but since it is not dropped, the water inside the fruit gets less and less, and under the sunshine effect, the color will be more and more dark.And to some extent, the soap nut in the south is a little bigger and lighter than that in the west. But it is hard to simply judge that the southern soap nut is of better quality than the western ones. And it is also not scientific to say the light color and bigger one is better than the dark one or smaller one. The only quality judge criteria is that how much soapin the shell contains. Normally you can see whether the fruit is thick or thin, thicker skin fruit is better than thinner skin one;heavier fruit is better than lighter one. In fact, all soap nuts from China are of very good quality.And the treatment method will also influence the size and color. If peasants put soap nuts under sunshine for several days, the soap nuts will get very dry, thus the color turns to dark and the size smaller; if just place the soap nuts in dry place without direct contact of sunshine, the soap nut will be with light color and size bigger. All information above shows us that it is hard to judge the quality from the color and size. The only criteria is check the thickness of the fruit, to see whether the inside part is bright, thick and smooth,if yes, the quality is good,vice versa, the quality is not good enough! Alternatively, simply put the shell into the washing machine, to check the laundry effect!That's easy and really work!


All Our Soap Nut Products

Soap Nut Seed

Soap Nut Liquid

Soap Nut Powder

Hand Sorted Soap Nut Shell Without Seed

Batch Soap Nut Shell without seed

Quality Control of Soap Nut

Hand sorted, select quality.
Assurance of only the finest soap nuts.
As with virtually all fruits of harvests, there are very significant differences in quality. Also, as with virtually all plants grown there are different varieties of soap nuts. Some are simply better than others. So, how do you know exactly what you are buying? That is a tough one. Knowing soap nut quality with 100% certainty is almost impossible. There are no reliable rules or governing regulations.To further complicate matters, variables such as growing conditions, weather conditions, harvesting methods and storage conditions, packaging methods, shipping conditions, etc. can all greatly impact the appearance and quality of the soap nut. Any harvested fruit is subject to all such variables.
In order to ensure optimal soap nut quality and proper grading,we sort them carefully by hand. Soap nuts that do not meet our criteria for this grade still contain the effective saponins. They are still of great value, therefore they are simply utilized in our various powder and liquid formulations. Hence, be assured you are always getting only the absolute finest quality soap nuts available.
Soapnut quality comparison
Soapnuts are harvested from soap trees which all belong to the sapindus family. Soapnuts come mainly from three countries:China, India and Nepal.

Tips for soap nut at home

Simple at-home methods and tips. Soap nut when added to a facial mix of milk powder and clay to provide delicate cleansing of the skin, it is added to salt scrubs to add cleansing action. As a hair and body wash, add 1 teaspoon of Soap nut extract to a cup of water. Use this as a hair wash or mild cleanser. Soap nut can also be combined with Amla, Neem & Shikakai extract for a more nutritive hair wash. Mix all of the herbs in water and let sit till thoroughly dissolved. The wash should be kept refrigerated and used within 4 days or preserved with an anti bacterial preservative. There is no rocket science here. If you can grind coffee beans or boil water, you can start making great soap nut powder and liquids for a myriad of uses. Not only are powdered and liquid forms great for laundry, but also the list of other chemical products that can be replaced is long and getting longer every day. Please email us if you would like powder or liquid forms of soap nuts. We can provide either in household or commercial quantities. However, the basic processes are so simple that instructions are provided below. Be sure to look for specially targeted proprietary formulas for many personal care and household uses to be available online soon. Powder: Simply grind soap nuts shells to a very fine powder in a coffee grinder. A similar appliance will work, such as a blender, however a coffee grinder tends to produce the finest powder. This may require grinding the soap nut shells a couple of times. Remove any un-ground pieces or sift through a sifter. Place in airtight container. Shelf life is indefinite as long as the soap nut powder is stored in a cool dry place. Liquid: Place 12 to 15 soapnuts (about 1.5 ounces) in about 6 cups of water. For best results, bring to a boil and simmer for approximately an hour. You will know that you have fully extracted from the soap nuts when they turn very light tan or gray and are mushy. Allow to cool and strain. Store the soap nuts liquid in an airtight glass jar. As with other botanicals, the infused soap nut solution is best stored in a cool place away from direct sunlight. This 100% pure soap nut solution has absolutely no preservative of any kind; hence it has a limited shelf life of several days. It should be refrigerated to extend its shelf life. This is typical of virtually all water-based botanical solutions. We are infusing our proprietary liquid formulas with specific natural preservatives that will greatly extend shelf life, yet still be safe and chemical free. For the make-at-home solution, simply don't make more than you'll use in a few days. TIPS: Soap nuts will last longer using warm vs. hot water. Soft water may require less soap nuts. Very hard water will require a bag of 5 shells. There is no need for fabric softener. Soap nuts leave your cloths soft. Soap nuts have a distinct odor, similar to vinegar when they are dry and more pungent when wet. Soap nuts do not smell pleasant: but amazingly your clothes smell clean and fresh after washing with soap nuts. If you like scent, you can add 10 drops of essential oil on the cotton bag before tossing it into the machine. Soap nuts will not remove heavy stains, as with any detergent, pre-treat stains with a stain remover as you normally would. If clothes are very dirty, do half size loads instead of full. If you like super whites, you can add oxygen bleach to the load. Soap nuts perform better in a less than full load. There will be very little suds. No suds actually means no commercial foaming agents or chemicals.Soap nuts are wonderful for washing cloth diapers. Unlike chemical detergents, they will not clog the fabric causing the diaper to loose its absorbency and they will not cause diaper rash. In addition, soap nuts will clean and remove detergent residue from diapers.

Our Soap Nut Products

Sometimes you may feel troublesome to make such decotion at home by yourself and you don’t know how to make the shelf life longer. We have consided this for you.We have developed high concentrated soap nut liquid, which save your time and trouble. The liquid can used anywhere easily without any chemcials.Besides that we have a lot of different forms soap nut products. Whatever you can imagine about soap nut, you can find from us.Check them below.

How to perform a soapnuts decoction?

Certainly we've all heard the alarms of 'bio-hazard' in our head when we reached in to pull out our arsenal of cleaning solutions. Interestingly, it is quite difficult finding an image of cleaning products without rubber gloves in the picture. That is certainly a good thing. If it were not for gloves our hands would be a scary site. Household chemical cleaners can be both horribly damaging to our skin and highly toxic to our body. Soap nuts offer a chemical free cleaning solution. However, if you can boil water, the basics of chemical free cleaning can be in your hands and at use in your home today!
Bring 10 to 15 half shells of soapnuts to boil in 1 litre water during 10 minutes, leave it to cool down and screen the obtained liquid. The decoction is now ready for use !
To obtain a higher saponine-concentrate decoction of soapnuts, use more « half shells » in the same water volume.
Preservation of a soapnuts decoction Soapnuts decoction must be kept in a cool place to assure a conservation of about ten days if citric acid or lemon juice or essential oil is added.
Soapnuts shells already used in a washing machine or a dishwasher, can be recycled by making a decoction.

Soapnuts inside dishwashers

Washing Laundry with Soap Nuts

Warm or Hot Water Wash:
Put 4 or 5 soap nut shells or equivalent pieces, about a half-ounce, in cotton or muslin drawstring bag and tie bag securely. Toss in washing machine before you add your clothes. Remove from washer at end of the wash to dry (leave soap nuts in bag). Soapnuts can remain till the end of washing cycle, as rinsing water is cold and very little saponine will thus remain on linen. Re-use 3 to 5 times. The soap nuts are no longer effective when they become thin, mushy and very light tan or gray.
Cold Water Wash: Cold wash : since saponin can only be extracted from the nuts when the water is heated, a decoction or liquid is necessary for a cold wash. Boil 3 to 4 handfuls of nuts in one litre of water for 4 minutes. Remove the shells and allow to cool. One spoonful is enough for a load. Use liquid soap nut or simply make a cup of soap nut 'tea' by soaking 4 or 5 bagged soap nuts in a cup of very hot water for approximately 3 minutes. Pour both the soap nuts liquid and bag in wash. Remove from washer at end of the wash to dry (leave soap nuts in bag). Re-use 3 to 5 times. Soap nuts are no longer effective when they thin, turn soft, mushy and very light tan or gray.
Give a scent to your washing
Using soapnuts, the scent will be neutral. You can therefore spray the cotton bag with a few droplets of essential oil (lavender, orange, mint…) to add scent on the linen before introducing it in the washing machine. Resistant stains In such case (blood, egg, grass, mud, milk, sweat, ice-cream, oil or jam stains), add some soap nut liquid on the stain part before the laundry contact water to have a pre-wash first and then wash as ususal.. White linen To avoid the greying of white cloth, add one to two spoonful of bleaching agent inside the washing machine. Water hardness Depending on dissolved calcium carbonate (limestone), water can be more or less soft / hard How to get rid of soapnuts: Soapnuts remnants can be deposited on a compost heap (No harmful waste for environment)

Soapnuts inside dishwashers

Application of Soap Nut

As it comes from natural plant without any synthetic chemicals added,it will not bring damage to environment and people’s health.The best advantage using soapberry milk is that we needn’t to worry about the deleterious chemical detergent residues harm to our body.

It can be widely used for the field below:

Washing Laundry with Soap Nuts. It does not get much simpler. Doing laundry can even be fun! Really.

Washing clothes:It can clean clothes effectively and make their colors bright and shiny. Most laundry detergents on the shelves of our supermarkets contain numerous chemical substances, synthetic dyes, fragrances and fillers. These chemical substances are effective in deeply penetrating our clothes - cleaning, sanitizing and scenting them. However, these same chemicals build up in our clothes and linens and transfer to our skin leading to short term and/or long term skin troubles for some individuals. They break down fabric fibers and fade colors and they are harmful to our environment. Soap Nuts are simply a better way.

Basic Laundry Directions: The simplest, most common and traditional method of washing laundry with soap nuts is by using the raw nuts in a drawstring bag, and simply tossing the bag in with your laundry. The soap nuts can also be used to make a 'tea', a fine soap nut powder or concentrated solution. (See other forms and tips.) All forms and methods work great.

Hand Wash: Add about 2 tbs of soap nut liquid to wash water and stir, or make a tea with your soap nut muslin bag. Simply hand wash as usual. Powdered: Put 2 - 3 tsp soap nuts powder in wash water. Wash as usual. Liquid: Pour about a quarter cup of liquid soap nut solution into wash water. Shake up soap nut solution before pouring. Wash as usual.

Wash Dishes:get dishes clean and green.No toxin at all!

Wash face and body: it is natural cosmetics remover! Easy and cost effective!Use it for bath to be away from itchy skin

Wash Hair as shampoo: soap nuts gives a shampoo which makes hair look shiny and full of vitality. Use soap nuts liquid to shampoo hair. Leave in for about 5 minutes. Rinse as usual with warm water. The hair will be smooth and have a good sheen and is easy to comb. The shampoo is recommended for people suffering from allergies of those with sensitive scalps.Soapnut is an excellent hair tonic. It can prevent and cure such skin diseases as dandruff and sores on the head effectively. The pulp of the fruit contains a high level of natural foaming agents. However If you prefer more foam, add a little your favorite shampoo. We know it's hard not to want more foam. And it is better to use the soap nuts as potein Shampoo with Conditioner.

Other Uses of Soap Nuts:

The following is only a very short list of some alternate cleaning solutions that soap nuts will work great for. Many common household cleaners can be replaced entirely with the use of soap nuts. Saponin's inherent effective cleaning power, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, odor reducing capability, and natural gentleness combine to provide an amazingly safe yet effective cleanser for a multitude of everyday uses. Incredibly, the vast majority of highly toxic synthetic chemicals in our homes can be thrown away forever.

Universal cleaner:

Use the decoction or liquid of soap nuts to replace chemical cleaning products in the kitchen and bathroom. Fill a spray bottle with about 8 oz of water. Add a half-ounce of soap nuts liquid and a half-ounce of vinegar. Spray and then wipe clean with dry cloth. Alternatively a decoction of 3 or 4 handfuls of nuts in 1 litre of water with 2 spoonfuls of white vinegar added gives you a bottle of ecological detergent which you can use for floors, toilets, baths, kitchens, sinks, counters, floors, and even windows.

Steam Cleaning Carpets:

For Soap nuts work exceptionally well in carpet cleaners because they are so low sudsing and odor reducing. Add about a quarter cup of soap nut liquid to hot water in the portable cleaner. Great for urine stains!And it could prevent mites and kill germs.

Jewellery cleaning :

Both ancient countries of China and India have the tradition of protecting gold, silver and jewelry with soapberry, which can make them shine as new after being washed with it. Soak jewelry in soap nuts liquid for a few minutes, if you like lemon, Squeeze half a lemon into it. Use an old soft toothbrush to remove debris. Rinse with clean water and polish with a soft cloth. Soap nuts have been used as a fantastic jewelry cleaner for eons. There's no need for harsh, toxic chemicals!

Plant protection:

prepare a decoction of 10 half shells in 150 to 200 ml of water for 5 minutes. Then simply use it dampen the upper and undersides of the leaves of your house plants. You can also spray your indoor and outdoor plants with the soap nuts decoction and take advantage of saponin's action to fight harmful organisms such as aphids without harming the plant and without poisoning your garden. You can also use this decoction on your fruit trees.

Mosquito repellent:

wash or smear your exposed parts with a decoction of soap nuts and the mosquitoes will leave you alone, repelled by the smell of saponin. Give it a try!

Cleaning pets:

Superb for pets! cleaning pets with soap nut could kill fleas, dog louses and ticks, and reduce the offensive odor on the bodies of dogs. Wash your pet with a decoction of soap nuts or liquid soap nut without the smallest trace of chemicals! Their fur will be soft and silky and the characteristic smell of the saponin will keep parasites at bay for some time. Boil ten or so half shells in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes and leave to cool. Remove the shells and add as much lukewarm water as necessary. Wet the animal with it and massage his skin so that the solution penetrates well, leave it to act for some minutes then rinse. Make sure the solution doesn't get into his eyes.

Delicate linen or fabrics: use this decoction or liquid to wash delicate linen or fabrics such as wool and silk.

Pesticides : moisten or water your house and garden plants with the already mentioned decoction and take advantage of the saponine agent to fight against harmful organisms such as aphids, without damaging your plant or poisoning your garden. Besides, Soapberry is good for removing cosmetics such as kohl, eyebrow pencil color and foundation effectively. And its foundation emulsion.is widely used in any other fields such as agriculture, forestry, environmental protection, etc.

Detailed Medical and Washing Functions of soapberry

From ancient time to now ,there are detailed records about the effects of washing and medical trentment in Chinese medical books.The book "Compendium of Materia Medica" wrote by Great physician Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty especially recorded the various of medical effects of soapberry in detail.It stressed that it could make skin more white and remove speckles when ued for face.And it can make eyes more bright and clean the dandriff when used for hair.The book "New Dictionary of Chinese medicine" published in recently also records the detailed medical effects of soapberry tree root, bark and fruit skin, seeds, nutlets etc. The powdered seeds are said to possess insecticide properties. They are employed in the treatment of dental caries. It cleanses the skin of oily secretion, its a hair tonic, and forms a rich, natural lather. Its detergent action, which cleanses the hair and removes, accumulated debris and a sebaceous material further more imparting speculiar reflection and hair luster. The roots and bark are expectorant and demulcent. The roots are good for hemicrania, hysteria and epilepsy. A decoction of the bark is good for cattle suffering from ulcers due to worm infestation after calving. The fruits are acrid, bitter, thermogenic, emetic, astringent, expectorant, anthelminitic, abortifacient and tonic. They are good for asthma, diarrhoea, cholera, lumbago, verminosis and gastralgia dyspepsia.

Main composition of Soap Nut

The outer shell of the soapnut contains a moderate sticky substance called saponine -sapindoside A,B,C,D,E etc. The shell contains about 4% saponine, 1.2-4% Vitamin C;and also some Hutin,kaempferol, quercetin and B-sitosterol.The seed contains fat and protein; nutlet is eatable and oil squeezable(up to 42% oil inside, which can be good quality lubricant).Root, bark and leaves can be antipruritic and detumescent and used for cough treatment. Soapnuts aren’t a new concept!Soapberry is a detergent plant that has been widely used by human beings since the ancient times. It has the good detergent and cleaning property. Apart from using it as a detergent, people also use soapberry to cure skin diseases such as dandruff, lost of hair, whelks, acne and splashes on skin.

Harvesting Soap Nuts

Local farmers and families harvest the prized soapberry fruit after it falls from the tree. The seed is removed from the shell (or husk), and the shells are dried in the sun using absolutely no chemical processing. No commercial manufacturing processes are required in any way for the soap nut to become effective. The soap nut shell is not altered in any way. Hence, soap nuts are absolutely 100% natural, unmodified dried fruit shells. Note: The actual nut (or better yet, seed) does not release saponin, hence has no cleaning properties. It is used for planting new trees and is sometimes used to make necklaces and other jewelry.

Soap Nut from China

Sapindus (the botanical name) is a sustainable agriculture and forest product. In many ways it is similar to an olive tree. There are several common varieties of the soapberry tree. Sapindus Mukorossi and Sapindus Trifoliatus are the primary sources for the soapberry that has become know as the soap nut. They are both of the family Sapindaceae, and the genus Sapindus. The botanical name is derived from the Latin words, sapo (soap) and indicus (Indian). Chinese soap nut tree produces the most consistent quality of soap nuts of high saponin content. Sapindus Trifoliatus, which grows primarily in southern India, Indonesia and Pakistan, is a smaller tree producing smaller fruit that lack consistency and saponin content compared to Chinese soap nuts. The soap nuts from China are larger, brighter in color and gloss and are more effective in producing the 'soapy' effect. Soap nuts from the Trifoliatus tree are less desirable, of lower cost and are often exported from Indonesia. All soap nuts being marketed throughout the world contain the all-important saponins. Consistently high saponin content is the primary measure of quality. And China Soap cherry tree are widely grows in the west with age over 40 years, produces very high quality saponins. And nowadays a lot of people began to plant the trees which will make China a biggers exporting country of the soap nuts all over the world soon Note: Many other varieties of this remarkable tree grow around the world, including the U.S. (one notably called the Florida Soap Berry Tree). The data with regard to the effectiveness of their fruit as laundry detergent is limited and often conflicting. However, data consistently indicates that the Sapindus Mukorossi is the premier variety, and its fruit is the most cherished. To date, we have no knowledge of successful growth and harvests of Mukorossi outside its Asian origins. Albeit, there is no evidence that it cannot be cultivated elsewhere.


Soap Nut Species

Genus Information: Sapindus is a genus of about twelve species of shrubs and small trees in the Sapindaceae (soapberry family), native to warm temperate to tropical regions in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The genus includes both deciduous and evergreen species.The leaves are alternate, 15-40 cm long, pinnate, with 14-30 leaflets, the terminal leaflet often absent. The flowers form in large panicles, each flower small, creamy white. The fruit, called a soap nut, is a small leathery-skinned drupe 1-2 cm diameter, yellow ripening blackish, containing one to three seeds. Species Information: * Sapindus delavayi NA China, India. * Sapindus drummondii Western Soapberry Southern United States, Mexico * Sapindus emarginatus NA Southern Asia. * Sapindus marginatus Florida Soapberry Florida to South Carolina * Sapindus mukorossi Chinese Soapberry India, Southern China * Sapindus oahuensis Hawaii Soapberry, Lonomea Hawaii (endemic) * Sapindus rarak NA Southeast Asia * Sapindus saponaria Wingleaf Soapberry Florida Keys, Caribbean, Central America. * Sapindus tomentosus NA China. * Sapindus trifoliatus South India Soapnut, Three-leaf Soapberry Southern India, Pakistan. The Sapindus Mukorossi tree is one of several that bear fruits that are commonly referred to as soap nuts, of them the soapnuts from the Sapindus Mukorossi tree have the highest saponin content. Saponin is a natural detergent commonly used for cleaning among many other things. Soapnuts have been used medically as an expectorant, emetic, contraceptive, and for treatment of excessive salivation, epilepsy, psoriasis, head lice and migraines. Studies have shown that saponin from soap nuts inhibit tumor cell growth. Soap nuts are among the list of herbs and minerals in Ayurveda. They are a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic shampoos and cleansers. They are used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for eczema and psoriasis. Soap nuts have gentle insecticidal properties and are traditionally used for removing lice from the scalp. Soapnuts have long been used in the Western world for soap production, usually together with many chemical additives which are not necessary for the actual washing process and are damaging to the user as well as our environment. Soapnuts have become a very popular environmentally friendly alternative to these manufactured chemical detergents.The seeds tend to germinate easily. To ensure the best results for germination, the seed is soaked in warm water for at least 24 hours and then sown (some prefer to scarify the seed surface prior to soaking by filing, scraping or carefully striking), either directly in already prepared pits at 5m x 5m (16 ft 16 ft) spacing or sown in pots filled with clayey loam soil mixed with farmyard manure or similarly prepared nursery beds. Sapindus species are also a common food source for the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Endoclita Malabaricus.

Introduction of Soap Nut Trees

A medium sized deciduous tree upto 20m in height with grey smooth bark, peeling offin scales, leaves pinnate, leaflets 2-3 pairs,length 6-13cm, width 2-4cm, terminal pair being the largest, flowers white, polygamous, male flowers many, bisexual flowers few, all in the same pubescent panicle, fruits fleshy drupes,light yellow when fruit mature and the pulp becoming a saponaceous wrinkled rind on drying, seeds black.。Blooms in May-June, fruits mature in October.Wildly grow in hill area such as Guangdong,Guangxi and Fujian Province of China.
Based upon its high amount of 'soap' content and consistency, the highest quality soap nut is Sapindus Mukorossi, which grows primarily in China, northern India and Nepal. It grows uncultivated in poor quality ground and helps fights erosion. It also provides needed income to the local population. It is a relatively hardy tree being resistant to diseases and insects. The tree grows to 10 to 20 meters in height and begins flowering and bearing fruit after about 90 years.
It blooms with small, white grouped flowers in spring and early summer and is harvested annually during the fall season. The soapberry fruits (the soap nut) are round yellow berries that become gummy, reddish tan and wrinkled as they ripen. Its appearance is somewhat like that of a date. The tree synthesizes its own natural saponins, (soap) which coat the shell of the fruit. The tree has great longevity and will produce fruit (soap nuts) for about 90 years.And the lifetime can last as long as 200year.

What Is a Soap Nut?

Soap nuts are known worldwide by many names such as soapnuts, soapberry, washing nuts, soap nut shells, wash shells, soapberry nut husk, Ritha (Hindi) nut shell, Chinese soapberry and many more. Very simply, soap nuts are the dried shells (or husks) from the soapberry (or soap berry nut). These berries are the fruit from a quite unique tree species. These shells contain a substance called saponin that produces a soaping effect. Saponin is a 100% natural alternative to chemical laundry detergent and cleansers. It can replace many chemical detergents such as those containing sodium laureth sulphate (SLS) that are becoming well known by consumers for being a skin irritant and health hazard. Soap nuts have been used for centuries throughout the world as a laundry detergent, as soap for personal hygiene, and as a cleanser with a plethora of other uses. It is most commonly used in China, India, parts of Europe and numerous countries in the eastern hemisphere. There is even a species, Quillaja Saponaria (called a soap bark tree) that grows in South America. However, only in recent years has the soap nut and its many benefits made its way to the shores of cornors all over the world.

There are a ton of amazing things about soap nuts.

They are 100%, totally natural. They are organically grown and are chemical-free, and they are incredibly gentle on clothes AND skin. They are especially great for those with sensitive skin — including babies and those that suffer from allergies, eczema, and psoriasis! They’re totally biodegradeable, so they’re better for the environment than regular detergent, and they’re antimicrobial, so they’re even good for septic and greywater systems!

Did you know that there’s a FRUIT that will get your laundry clean?

Soap nuts fit our mission of providing safe, non-toxic, natural alternatives to harmful synthetic chemicals. Soap nuts release an extremely effective, hypoallergenic, biodegradable cleaning agent with no added synthetics, chemicals, toxins or artificial perfumes. Your clothing is in contact with your skin all day. Your body lies in bed linens all night. Whether you are an allergy sufferer, have sensitive skin, use cloth diapers, or just want to do your part for a greener earth, soap nuts are a dream come true. This natural laundry detergent leaves laundry amazingly clean, fresh, and soft, plus provides a plethora of other truly green household cleaning uses. Welcome to a better natural way to clean your laundry and your home.
It’s TRUE! Soapnuts are the fruit of a tree (Sapindus Mukorossi), found primarily in China, India, Indonesia, and Nepal, and they are an EXCELLENT alternative to traditional, chemical-laden detergents. How are soapnuts prepared for use in your wash? They are simply harvested, de-seeded, and then dried in the sun. That’s it! No chemicals or unnatural substances are involved! And they WORK — they really, really work!

How does soapnut work for washing?

Saponin which reacts like a natural soap, is known for its ability to cleanse and wash. (That’s what makes them so GREAT for cleaning your laundry!)
As the soapnuts shell is in hot water, saponine dissolves and produces a soft soapy solution. Saponine is a natural detergent scouring, cleaning and purifying.Credits of saponine :
- doesn’t damage linen fibres.
- protects colours.
- enables washing delicate cloth like wool and silk.
- gives a naturally clean linen.
- linen is softened naturally.
- hypoallergenic article.Saponine is a glucoside (sugar associated) totally biodegradable!Soapnuts remnants can be deposited on a compost heap (No harmful waste for environment).

About Soap Nuts

100% Organic and natural, no chemicals, fillers or fragrances…..Green and Safe Universal application:you can use it anywhere as you can imagine such as lauddry,hand, body,shampoo, bathroom, kitchen,pet etc. Rid your home and life of toxins! Soapnuts advantages It doesn’t contain any synthetic detergent, essence, pigment, antiseptic and other chemicals and is used for clean skin (the whole body, face and hands) and clothes. It has the good detergent property and can clean away dirt effectively. It’s rich in foam, can kill germs, has the beautifying and whitening effects and is able to remove speckles and whelks and prevent and cure skin diseases. Since it’s a pure natural product and 100% degradable, no remnants harmful to the body and environment will be produced even if it’s used for a long time. It is a 100% vegetable detergent : with a soft cleaning effect on linen without any reduction in its deep cleanliness beyond reproach. Scentless and biodegradable, Soapnuts give back a naturally soft linen without any softener agent addition.
Universal Application: you can use it anywhere as you can imagine such as lauddry, hand, body, shampoo, bathroom, kitchen,pet etc.No only clean everthing you can see, but also protect skin and hair because it’s abundant effective nutrient composition.
Non Allergenic and Hypoallergenic: Kind to humans & pets and advisable for people with allergy and skin disease such as allergy, eczema & psoriasis sufferers.
Colour protection: Coloured cloth such as jeans and T-shirts keep their brightness much longer.Save Water & TimeNo need to use the rinse cycle on your washing machine. Great in septic tanks.If hand wash, only simply rinse once.Thus save both water and time.Environment protection : no chemical agents at all, thus 100% environment friendly.Even soapnuts remnants can be deposited on a compost heap.Cost Effective: Costs as little as *12 cents to wash a load of laundry.*(based on a 1kg bag).There is a 50% economy in quality / price ratio with respect to conventional washing agents.